we perform

Home Sale Transaction Auditing

The highest cost in relocation is the Home Sale process. While the invoice may be organized into simple and easy to read categories, it is typically the most complex and detailed part of a move.

However, what does each amount include? The HST audit program breaks down each category into individual charges to confirm and justify that they are traceable, contractual and reasonable.

All transactions are then analyzed together to ensure a consistent approach and discover any methods that create ongoing unnecessary cost exposures.

The HST™ audit system

The Accuracy and Confidence of HST™ Audit
  • Confirmed validity of all charges
  • Ensured contract compliance
  • Billing accuracy via coordination of error refunds
  • Expert solutions for continued process improvement
  • Detailed, independent and objective support
Billing Review & Investigation Services
  • Find the source of all charges and fees
  • Identify hidden fees
  • Verify client authorization
  • Validate Two-Deed charges and specific state requirements
Analysis & Consulting
  • Trending and other data analyzed for recommended cost savings and solutions
Contract Review Process
  • Analysis contract compliance
  • Determine if proper process was utilized for appraised value
  • Verify proration calculations of insurance, mortgage interest, utilities, taxes, etc.
  • Review of equity funding and interest charges

HST™ Features


All charges are examined for client authorization and traceability to its source.

Contract Adherence

Ensure that all costs, services, fees, interest charges, referral fees, and timelines are in contract compliance.


Confirm reasonable charges. Are costs market competitive for the location, season, and/or duration?

Trend Analysis

Facilitate solutions for continued process improvement, by analyzing the trends within your files compared to the relocation marketplace.

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Throughout the years of my employment…, I have seldom come across a company that provides so much service with so little cost.

– JB, Relocation Manager, Fortune 500 Company

…and thanks for making this part of my job painless.

– GF, Relocation Counselor, Relocation Company

Parsifal… consistently had the highest overall customer satisfaction rating of any company.

– RB, Contracting Officer, FSMP Project